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ICIPs 2024 will be held in the duration of two days, August 12ᵗʰ-13ᵗʰ, 2024. This conference will feature keynote speaker, plenary speakers, invited speakers, and contributed speakers.

Keynote speaker: 

Prof.  Dr. Daniel Murdiyarso (IPB University, Indonesia and Indonesian Academy of Sciences)

Topic of Presentation: How Indonesian Scientist Contribute to Solve Interdisciplinary Problems

Plenary Speakers

Plenary Speaker 1

Prof. Dr. Andrivo Rusydi (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Topic: Interdisciplinary Physics

Plenary Speaker 2

Prof. Dr. Jun Ohta (Nara Institute of Science Technology, Japan)

Topic: Biomedical Devices

Plenary Speaker 3

Dr. Fabio Nudelman (University of Edinburgh, UK)

Topic: Biomineralization

Plenary Speaker 4

Prof. Dr. Fatwa F. Abdi (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) 

Topic: Biocatalist

Plenary Speaker 5

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mahyiddin Ramli (Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia)

Topic: DFT for Nanomaterials


Invited Speakers

Assc. Prof. Dr. Azhar Zam (New York University in Abu Dhabi, UEA; Tandon School of Engineering, New York University in New York)

Aritta Suwarno, PhD (Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands)

Dr. Avinash Baji (La Trobe University, Australia)*

Dr. Adalberto Alejo-Molina (Institute for Research in Pure and Applied Science (IICBA), Mexico)

Dr. Muhammad Danang Birowosuto Parangtopo (Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development, Poland)

Prof. Nuryani, Ph.D. (Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia)

Agus Muhamad Hatta, Ph.D (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia)

Dr. Ramzan Mat Ayub, M.Si (Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia)

Parada Hutauruk, Ph.D (Pukyong National University, South Korea)*

*under confirmations



The conference will include ample time for discussion and informal interactions between researchers from all over the world, to ensure a lively exchange of ideas. The first day of the conference features a keynote lecture. Each day also held plenary and parallel sessions. giving participants access to a range of topics. Each session will include several presentations, both from online or offline participants. A poster competition introduces an alternative forum for interaction with the wider research community.

The social program will include opening ceremony and gala dinner, providing an opportunity for attendees to make and renew acquaintances in a relaxed setting. 

Excursion to the Belitung Islands is available for participants in the second day of conference after the closing ceremony.

Day 1: Monday, August 12ᵗʰ 2024
08.00-09.15Opening ceremony
09.15-09.45Keynote session
09.45-10.30Plenary session 1
10.30-10.45Coffee break and sponsor presentation
10.45-12.00Poster Session
12.00-13.00Lunch break
13.00-14.30Plenary session 2-3 and discussion
14.30-15.00Industry/sponsor Talk
15.00-15.30Coffee break and sponsor presentation
15.30-16.35Parallel session 1
19.30-21.00Gala Dinner and Cultural Performances
Day 2: Tuesday, August 13ᵗʰ 2024
08.30-10.00Plenary session 4-5 and discussion
10.00-10.30Sponsor presentations
10.30-10.45Coffee break
10.45-11.55Parallel session 3
11.55-13.00Lunch break
13.00-13.30Awarding ceremony

The ICIPs 2024 Committee

Department of Physics
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
IPB University

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