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The Department of Physics, IPB University proudly present the inaugural edition of International Conference on Interdisciplinary Physics (ICIPs), in conjunction with BOND21.

With the spirit of collaboration, scientist, engineers, industrialist, and policymaker from all across the globe will gather to explore the advances of science especially the areas of interdisciplinary physics.

The initiation of ICIPs is held in conjunction with BOND21.

BOND21 is an international conference on nanoscience and nanoengineering, hosted by the Institute of Nanoelectronic Engineering (INEE), UniMAP Malaysia. It has been firstly hosted in 2013 which attracted more than 200 local and international participants. 

BOND21 is famous with its theme of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering for Nation’s Growth and Sustainability. With this collaboration, Department of Physics IPB took its step into hosting international conference and introducing the goals of IPB University to inspire innovation with integrity in agriculture, ocean and biosciences for a sustainable world.

The International Conference on Interdisciplinary Physics (ICIPs) promises to be a groundbreaking event, fostering collaboration and driving innovation in science and technology for sustainable future. We invite you to be a part of this exciting and transformative event.

Theme and Scope

Under the theme “Empowering Circularity through Advances in Sciences,” the conference will dive into cutting-edge research and innovative solutions across diverse fields, all with the shared goal of minimizing waste, maximizing resource recovery, and supporting sustainability.

The scope of the conference are but not limited to:

⇒ Nanophysics
⇒ Biophysics
⇒ Electronics and Instrumentation
⇒ Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences
⇒ Nanoengineering
⇒ Theoretical and computational physics
⇒ Physics of Complex System

Plenary Speakers

Prof. Dr. Daniel Murdiyarso

(Indonesian Academy of Sciences-AIPI, Indonesia)

Dr. Andrivo Rusydi

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Dr. Fabio Nudelman

University of Edinburgh, UK

Prof. Dr. Fatwa F. Abdi

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Prof. Ts. Dr. Uda Hashim

Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia

Prof. Dr. Jun Ohta

Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

Organized by

Supported by

International Conference on Interdisciplinary Physics 2024

The ICIPs 2024 Committee

Department of Physics
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
IPB University

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